For More Information about Suicide and Its Prevention

American Association for Suicidology

The AAS website contains material of interest to everyone on the suicide-related spectrum: professionals, survivors, crisis workers, employers, friends and loved ones, and suicidal people themselves. Geared more toward research and statistics than some sites, it still has material accessible to everyone. Especially valuable is the information on postvention (what to do after a suicide), suicide loss survivor groups, and warning signs for suicide.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Like the AAS site (above), this site offers information for everyone affected, in any way, by suicide. It also has much information about research findings, and contains a rich section on advocacy efforts and opportunities in the field of suicide prevention.

Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE)

At the SAVE site, you can find an array of information for both professionals and the lay public, including a depression symptom checklist, online resources, reading lists, and more. 

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

This is the go-to site for all sorts of information on suicide and its prevention. Especially useful to practitioners is its Best Practices Registry, which provides a list and descriptions of evidence-based practices in suicide prevention and intervention.

The Trevor Project

This site offers information geared toward suicide prevention in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth. Educators, parents, mental health professionals, and youth themselves can find meaningful help here. In particular, the site offers extensive resources to youth; see the section above, “For Immediate Help with Suicidal Thoughts.”


Danielle Spires